Community Life [1]
Community Life:
Gerson Stroud: We came up together all the way through [2], commencing in grade seven or grade eight. We knew each other [3] and we knew where they lived, we knew the different children in the families. We got to know the parents. It was just like family
Daisy Stroud: When we went to school, we walked past schools that looked much better than Second Ward. We walked by them, and they were finer schools, but it was nothing like Second Ward [4]. During that time we had the opportunity to really experience what life is all about at Second Ward [5]. And it was a real valuable, valuable experience [6]. I think that’s what it is – it’s like an oasis in a desert. We mingled together [7] with parents of all vocations. It didn’t matter whether you were a doctor, lawyer, bootlegger, or anything. It didn’t matter, you were still accepted [8].
That’s why, really, it hurts to think that all vestiges of Second Ward are gone except for a little marker. As long as we live, Second Ward will live [9]. That’s what I wrote about Second Ward.