Lamuel Jack Kerley [1]
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He was in the process of improving his newly captured position against a possible enemy counterattck. The enemy subjected the area to a heavy artillery barrage, and during this time, Lamuel was hit and killed instantly. He was buried in a Military Cemetery in Epinal, France, Plot Q, Row 26, Grave 2321. Memorial service held at Southside Baptist Church, Mooresville in December, 1944.
Age at Death: 29
Image Source: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library
Kathleen Torrence Kerley - Rt. 1, Mooresville, NC
Janet Sylvia Kerley, age 3
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Elishia (Katie Readling) Kerley - Rt. 2, Huntersville NC
Keith Kerley, Mrs. Earl Dewese, Mrs. Ernest McGinnis, Mrs. Olin Christenbury
Newsprint and family information