John McNeely, Jr. [1]
Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He was killed at San Pedro Bay on Leyte Island during the initial return of American troops to the Philippines. He was killed by artillery fire, as he was landing on the beach. He is buried in Grave #732 at the United States Cemetery in Palo, Leyte, Philippine Islands. His memorial service was at First Presbyterian on August 15, 1945.
Age at Death: 37
Image Source: family photo
Jennie Sue DeArmon McNeely, married 7-23-1938, 1645 Gold Hill Ave., Charlotte, NC
Mr. John C. McNeely, Sr. (died in 1912) one of the founders of The Charlotte Hardware Co., Mrs. Emma (Miller) McNeely - 701 E. Morehead St., Charlotte, NC
James M. McNeely, Lieutenant - U. S. Army in England
Newsprint, Davidson College Bulletin, First Presbyterian church history and family information