Victor Parker [1]
Additional Information:
Age at Death:
Home Address:
Image Source: sons of Major Parker
Biographical Notes:
Victor Parker was in charge of the Industrial Headquarters of the Motor Mechanics regiments of the Aviation Section of the Signal Corps stationed at Camp Greene. He was discharged from the Army in January 1919 in New Jersey. Parker served in the U. S. Army Reserve from 1919-1930. He was born September 1887 and died September 1933.'Internal combustion motors engaged Major Parker's interest early in his college days, and his hobbies are motor design and research along automotive engineering lines. During his college vacations, and in the early years of his professional practice, Major Parker gathered a variety of experience in mechanical engineering fields, but he drifted steadily towards motor car and airplane engineering. At the Buick laboratories he was engaged in most interesting investigations and experiments bearing on principles of motor design and construction; and since his entrance into the Army, he participated in the tests runs on the latest motors for aircrafts, including the Liberty Motor. Major Parker combines scholarly interest and capabity with a practical knowledge of engineering and native executive ability.'
Date of Birth:
Military Branch:
Army Enlisted: 12/1917
Education Details:
N. D. Agricultural Col., B. S. Mech. Engineering
Family Details:
Spouse: Matilda Thompson
Children: John Morris Parker Richard Stanley Parker
Parents: Morris Leslie and Frances Snyder Parker -
Siblings: none -
Extended Family:
First Name:
Last Name:
Middle Name:
Military Details:
Camp Greene, Charlotte, NC; Camp Hancock, Augusta, GA; Kelly Field, San Antonio, TX; Milano, Italy; Romorantin, France;
Employer: Buick Motor Co., Flint, MI
Military Rank:
sons of Victor Parker; The Propeller, 4/29/1918; 4/29/1918
Military Unit:
3rd Regiment, Aerial Service of the U. S. Army Signal Corps
Exhibit & Section: