Bethesda Methodist Church Cemetery [1]
There are many unmarked graves or grave markers without inscriptions. The first known burial was 1845, and the last known burial was in 1896. It is reported to be one of the first Methodist congregations between the Catawba and the Yadkin Rivers. It was organized by Andrew Moore, a former member of Hopewell Presbyterian Church. William J. Charles survey for the Mecklenburg Genealogy Society in 1983
Turn off Eastfield Rd. on to Asbury Chapel Rd. It is located behind houses on the east side of the street in a heavily wooded area past a creek bed. On the next rise, the cemetery can be found to the left of an old wagon road. Ruts can still be seen in the dirt leading to the cemetery. There is a partial wall surrounding it.
- "Bethesda Reminiscences," The Charlotte Observer, 11-12-1899, page 9
- "Bethesda Methodist Church" by Jo Ann Garner, Olde Mecklenburg Genealogy Society Quarterly, v.13 no.2, pp.18-20