Sugaw Creek Presbyterian Church [1]
This is one of the earliest churches in the county. One cemetery is on south side of Craighead Rd., west of N. Tryon. It has a large rock wall that serves as the base of its fence. See Photo #1 [2] .
The photos also show plaques that were placed by the D. A. R. The plaque to the right of the gate [3] reads "Memorial to Alexander Craighead." This wall was restored by the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence Chapter DAR in 1914. The Photo #3 [4]shows a large stone that reads Sugaw Creek Burying Ground 1750-1825, erected by the DAR 1909. This is called the first cemetery in the burial records.
Another cemetery is behind a fence. It is on the southeast side of N. Tryon before it intersects with Sugar Creek Rd. West. It is shown in Photo #4 [5]. It is called the second cemetery in the burial records. Photo #5 [6] shows the cemetery that is on the northwest corner of the intersection with N. Tryon and Sugar Creek West. It is called the third cemetery in the burial records.
Photo #6 [7] and Photo #7 [8] are of the church buildings located on the southwest corner of the intersection with N. Tryon and Sugar Creek West.
There have been several lists of burials compiled throughout the years. The letter x in a burial records [x] signifies conflicting information. This church has 3 cemeteries. All are visible from the streets they face.