Labor Unions [1]
In the early 1900s, there were twenty labor unions in Charlotte. One hundred years later there are only twelve unions.
American Federation of Labor Central Labor Union
Bartender’s League No. 211
Bricklayers & Masons Lodge, No. 3
Brotherhood of Painters, Paperhangers and Decorators Union, No. 329
Carpenters and Joiners Union, No. 558
Charlotte Printing Pressmen & Assistants Union, No. 41
Charlotte Typographical, Union No. 338
Amalgamated Association of Street Railway Employees - Division, No. 105
Federal Labor Union, No. 8932
Ice Handler’s Union
International Association of Machinists - No. 263 [2]
Iron Moulders Union, No. 247
Journeymen Barbers Union, No. 330
Journeymen Plumbers Union, No. 205
Laborer’s Union, No. 244
Textile Workers Union, No. 199
Textile Workers Union, No. 224
United Garment Workers Union
Wood-Workers Union, No. 113
Federal Labor Union, No. 9982