Appendix A [1]
Aux. Rmt. Dep. 306; Bks. & Cks. Sch.; Base Hosp.; Cp. Hq.; 51st Dep. Brig.; Develpt. Bn. 1, 2; Engr. Dep. Det. 435; F. Trk. and H. Co. 323; M.Sh. Trk. Us. 318, 371; Trk. Co. 330; Ord. Dep. Co. 117; Provost Gd. Go.; Res. Labor Bn. 423; Sig. Sup. Det.; Util. Det.
3rd Division: DHQ., 5th Inf. Brig., 6th Inf. Brig., 7th M.G. Bn., Hq. Tr., mobilizing for overseas. 4th Division: Div. mobilizing for overseas. 5th Division: 9th Inf. Brig., mobilizing for overseas. 20th Division: 50th Inf., mobilizing for overseas. 41stDivision: Div. (less 161st Inf.), mobilizing for overseas.
Air Service: 306th, 307th, 308th, 309th, 310th, 341st, 505th, 608th, 609th, 610th, 611th, 612th, 613th, 614th, 623rd, 627th, 680th, 879th, 880th, Aer. Sqs.; 3d, 4th Regt. M. Mec. Avn. Sec. Sig. C. Infantry: 3d, 4th, 5th, 56th, 57th, 58th, 810th, Pion. Medical Department: Base Hosp. 54, 92, 122, 123, 147; Evac. Hosp. 30. Motor Transport Corps: M. Trk. Cos. 47, 371; 4th Regt. M. Mec. Quartermaster corps: Bkry. Cos. 7, 360, 369; Serv. Bns. 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 351, 353, 354. Tank Corps: 305th, 307th, 308th, 340th, 341st, 342d, 343d, Tk. Bns. U.S. Guards: 17th, 41 st Bns.
Source: Order of Battle of the United States Land Forces in the World War 1917-1919, Zone of the Interior, Volume three (Pentagon).

Mitchell, Miriam Grace and Perzel, Edward Spaulding. The Echo of the Bugle Call: Charlotte's Role in World War I. Charlotte NC: Dowd House Preservation Commitee, 1979.