Independence Square
Independence Square is the intersection of Trade and Tryon Streets. Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: E. C. Kropp Company
Independence Square is the intersection of Trade and Tryon Streets. Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: E. C. Kropp Company
A view of Tryon Street and the Independence Building. Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: B & H Photo Company
The 100 block of North Tryon Street at night. Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: CT American Art
A view of Tryon Street with its new skyscraper. Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: United States 5-1--25 Stores, Inc.
`Bird's-Eye View of Business District.` Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: Asheville Postcard and Pennant Company
`Bird's Eye view, looking North, Charlotte, NC. Shows City Hall, Second Presbyterian, and the library. Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: Asheville Postcard and Pennant Company
View of Tryon Street at night in Charlotte, North Carolina. Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: Dexter Press
Charlotte skyline. Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: Dexter Press
Looking south down Tryon Street. Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: Curteichcolor
Aerial view of Charlotte's Business District. Physical Description: 3x5 Publisher: Southern Postcard Company