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Farming North Carolina Mecklenburg County

Workers in cotton field

Workers picking cotton in Mecklenburg County. Physical Description: 3x5 color Publisher: Unknown

Farm Workers

This image of farm workers in Charlotte North Carolina was copied from a brochure entitled, `One of Mecklenburg's Good Roads.` These gentlemen are probably on their way to a ginnery to market to sell their cotton. Physical Description: 8x10 glossy Publisher: Unknown

Cotton gin

Picture shows workers hauling cotton to the gin. Physical Description: 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown

Cotton machines

Cotton gin house with the cotton screw/press on the right. A typical gin house like this produced three bales of cotton a day. Physical Description: 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown

Cotton Machine

Cotton gin house with the cotton screw/press on the right. A typical gin house like this produced three bales of cotton a day. Physical Description: 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown

Agricultural workers

Workers going home after a day in the cotton fields. Physical Description: 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown

Cotton workers

Cotton pickers waiting to load the wagons. Physical Description: 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown

Cotton farm workers

Woker hauling cotton to gin in a mule drawn wagon. Physical Description: 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown

Cotton machinery

Machines like this were used for picking cotton. Physical Description: 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown

Cotton Machinery

Machine used for picking cotton. Physical Description: 4x5 negative Publisher: Unknown