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Schools North Carolina Charlotte

Alexander Street School

A 5th grade class at Alexander Street School in the 1930s. The school was located at 916 North Alexander Street. It was demolished during the urban renewal projects of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Janie B. Wallace served as the principal at this time. Physical Description: 8x10 Publisher: Unknown

Morgan Street School

Faculty of Myers Street Elementary School. In the back row, left, B. D. Roberts, principal stands. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown

Second Ward High School (1927)

Once located at the corner of Alexander and First Streets, Second Ward High School was the first public high school for blacks in Charlotte-Mecklenburg. It opened in 1923. In the beginning, the school was a combination junior and senior high school with curriculum emphasis placed on academic and vocational courses. The school closed in 1969 and was demolished during the Second Ward Urban Renewal Project. Physical Description: Publisher: Laura Spears Malone

Johnson C. Smith University Staff

Staff party at Johnson C. Smith University. Martha McKinney, Mabel Rhode, Elsie Woodward, Fannie Hargraves. Physical Description: Publisher: Unknown

Bethlehem Center

The Kindergarten class of 1945 at Bethlehem Center. Located on 301 North Caldwell Street. Floyd Wallace Jr., Brenda Johnson, Laura Pitts, Carolyn Tillman, the rest are unidentified. Physical Description: 5 x 7 Publisher: Unknown