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Streets North Carolina Charlotte

Construction Charlotte Streetcar System

Construction of streetcars in Charlotte in front of the Independence Building, which was also under construction.

Physical Description: 35mm negative

Publisher: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

Charlotte Street Construction

Charlotte Street Construction with streetcars and buildings in the background.

Physical Description: 35 mm negative

Publisher: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

Charlotte Streetscene

View of streetcars on a Charlotte street.

Physical Description: 35 mm Negative

Publisher: Public Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg County

Charlotte Street Scenes

Street scene from Charlotte, North Carolina and Dr. Charles A. Bland who retired as the Mayor of Charlotte in May of 1915.

Physical Description: 35 mm Negative

Publisher: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

Monroe Road

View of Monroe Road from Highways of Mecklenburg (NCR 388.4)

Physical Description:


Monroe Road

View of Monroe Road from Highwasy of Mecklenburg (NCR 388.4)

Physical Description: Negative and Original in Book


Tryon Street (North)

Looking north down Tryon Street, once can see the City Hall in the distance.

Physical Description: negatives only


Tryon Street (North)

View of North Tryon Street from Trade Street features cars from the 1950s and the shops that existed at that time.

Physical Description: 8 x 10 black and white
