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world war II

Chapter 11

In the same concise manner in which he had reported the movement of the 38th's Hospital from St. Cloud to Telergma, Dr. Stokes Munroe in his account of the North African experience wrote of the transfer of the hospital from Telergma in Algeria to Beja in Tunisia and then after a stay of about two weeks there on easward to a new site near Tunis. Continue reading chapter 11...

Chapter 10

April 15, 1943, a Telergma marked the first anniversary of the 38th Evacuation Hospital unity's activation in the service at Fort Bragg. The year, more than likely, had been the busiest and surely the most exciting in the lives of the men and women who composed the organization. Continue reading chapter 10...

Chapter 9

But before the 38th moved from Telegrma, Captain Pickens in letters written late in March and during April, told in considerable detail of the stay here -- the routine of battlefield hospital administration, the characters, both natives and invading military, encountered there and in nearby communities, visited, the day by day happenings that had interested him. Continue reading chapter 9...

Chapter 8

Early on a morning in mid-November of 1942 Louie Dennison, the Swiss architect, and his Colorado-born wife heard the disturbing sounds of gunfire from the direction of the nearby algerian town of St. Cloud.

Chapter 7

As the year 1943 began, the 38th was still encamped at St. Cloud, though letters home from members of the unit still carried the less identifying address of Northwest Africa. Many of these letters, along with snatches of diaries kept, usually with little regularity, by personnel of the 38th, provide interesting close looks at the routine daily life of an Army field hospital that none of the offical records can reveal.

Chapter 6

More details of the 38th's day-to-day existence in the St. Cloud area as seen through the eyes of its mess officer are revealed in the letter begun on December 13, 1942, described by Captain Pickens as "the second of my more lengthy letters to the folks." Continue reading chapter 6...

Chapter 5

On November 16, 1942, four days after the 38th left Arzew and arrived at St. Cloud, Captain Pickens wrote the folk at home a long letter in which he sought to tell of his feelings in leaving England three weeks before and of the subsequent experiences of the unit as it began its tour of duty in northwest Africa. Continue reading chapter 5...

Chapter 4

On October 23, 1942, six months and a week after the 38th began training at Fort Bragg, the unit went aboard H.M.S. Malta in the harbor at Bristol, at the head of Bristol Channel on England's western coast about a hundred miles from London. Continue reading chapter 4...

Chapter 3

When the sun rose Saturday morning, August 1, 1942, the 38th Evacuation Hospital unit's members were nearing Philadelphia, and soon they were doing what they and countless others of the nation's military forces would do throughout the duration of the war, calling for coffee. Fortunately, the railway's representative on the train had wired ahead and when the train reached Philadelphia several large milk cans of steaming coffee were awaiting its arrival.

Chapter 2

Hardly a month after their arrival at Fort Bragg to begin their training, Captain Stanton Pickens in a letter to his wife spoke of early results of the training. Though it was not intended that it be preserved, the letter fortunately survives to provide an interesting observation on the situation in which the members of the 38th found themselves four weeks after they had been called into active service. Continue reading chapter 2...