Major Bibliographical References
Major Bibliographical References
Names and Dates of Appointment:
Edward Wayne
January 1, 1795
Ephriam B. Davidson
October 1, 1799
Archibald Frew
October 1, 1801
James Robb
October 1, 1810
Archibald Frew
July 1, 1811
William Davidson
October 1, 1814
Archibald Frew
October 5, 1815
John Vail
October 23, 1819
William Smith
April 25, 1820
Henry B. Williams
December 5, 1832
Joseph W. Hampton
December 9, 1844
Amzi McGinn
February 17, 1845
Charlotte's first automobile show was held the week of April 11, 1921, in the Standard Oil Building, located on the corner of West First Street and Cedar Street. Forty-nine cars and trucks were exhibited by 47 dealers, and there were exhibits by 14 accessory firms. Among cars exhibited were Ford, Veilie, Maxwell, Buick, Cleveland, Davis, Oakland, Chevrolet, Briscoe, Nash, Dort, Essex, Paige, Stutz, Gardner, Willys-Knight, Studebaker, and Milburn Electric.
Members of House of Commons*
Martin Fifer (Phifer), Richard Berry
Thomas Polk, Martin Fifer (Phifer)
Abraham Alexander, Thomas Polk
Abraham Alexander, Thomas Polk
1773 (Jan.)
Martin Fifer (Phifer), John Davidson
Members of the Provincial Congress*
1774 (Aug.)
Benjamin Patten
1775 (Apr.)
1775 (Aug.)
The confusion over the spelling and pronunciation of the name of this well-known Mecklenburg County creek is due to the difficulty of translating the sound of an unwritten Indian word into written English.
This creek undoubtedly takes its name from the Sugeree Indians (John Lawson's spelling) or Sugaree Indians (Douglas L. Rights' spelling). The name was pronounced Sugaw or Soogaw, according to William Henry Foote.
(Dates of Election may be approximate.)
Chairman: R. M. Oates
Commissioners: S. M. Reid, R. R. King, R. L. Diamond, Thos. L. Vail
Chairman: Thos. L. Vail
Commissioners: R. R. King, R. L. Diamond, J. Watson Reid, R. M. Oates
Chairman: Thos. L. Vail
Commissioners: R. L. DeArmon, Wm. H. Neal, M. M. Orr, Thomas Gluyas
Chairman: Thos. L. Vail
In 1902 there was published, by the authority of the Mayor and Board of Aldermen, and compiled by Clarkson & Duls, City Attorneys, The Code of the City of Charlotte, containing The Charter and all Acts amending it, and also the act providing for the establishments of Public Schools and the amendments thereof; act creating Water Commissioners; Primary Law and Election Law for the City of Charlotte, and all other acts pertaining specially to the government of the city, together with ordinances and street railway contracts, etc. etc.
Note: A list of city officials for years prior to 1900 is included in the City Code, published 1902. A copy of this book may be consulted in the Carolina Room of the Public Library of Charlotte, or in the office of the City Clerk.
A complete list of city officials who served both before 1900 and up to the present is an official record of the City of Charlotte and on file in the office of the City Clerk.
A list of Council members who have served since adoption of the City Manager form of goverment in 1929 follows:
Aitken, G. Douglas, 1949-51
Charlotte Town, Mecklenburg County, May 31, 1775
THIS day the Committee of this County met, and passed the following RESOLVES:
Mayors of Charlotte
William K. Reid*
Alexander Graham*
William F. Davidson*
David Parks*
Jennings B. Kerr*
*Called Intendant instead of Mayor
William A. Owens
Robert F. Davidson
L. S. Williams
Samuel A. Harris