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Marriage, Death & Other Notices: Early Mecklenburg County, NC Newspaper Abstracts

Lydia Irwin

Sale of personal property and rental of slaves, if not previously sold, held at her estate 9 miles from Charlotte of the road to Mason`s Ferry

May include the sale of land, goods or slaves owned by the deceased, notice to heirs, or notice to creditors.

Probate and estate

Robert Irwin

Notice to heirs

May include the sale of land, goods or slaves owned by the deceased, notice to heirs, or notice to creditors.

Probate and estate

D. Johnson

Grenadiers commanded to parade at Stergeon`s old field.

Troops are ordered to assemble, armed and equiped, for practice.


Eliza Johnson

`Miss Eliza Johnson wishes to return thanks to the many lady callers of last Saturday night who left so many useful gifts.` p.5

Notices not included in the other notice catagories.


Hannah Jones

`Mrs. Hannah Jones of Williamsboro,NC, is in the city to spend some time. She is the guest of her nephew, Asst. Foreman, A.B. Hughes.

Notices not included in the other notice catagories.


Chas. Jugnot

Will sell at his residence at Patterson Mine sundry household goods, also a family of negroes consisting of a man, wife and 3 children.

Notice of the sale of slaves or of runaway slaves. Check estate sales first, as this is where most slave sales are listed.


Thomas Kendrick

Estate creditors notice by Ste`n Fox. Also sale of negroes in 12-27-1830 edition including 2 young men, a young woman and her 2 children, and an aged couple.

May include the sale of land, goods or slaves owned by the deceased, notice to heirs, or notice to creditors.

Probate and estate

David Kestler

Carpenter`s apprentice wanted

Includes the opening, sale, operation or closing of a business.


William Knox

Has purchased the stage line between Charlotte and Statesville from D & S Newland and added a new coach

Includes the opening, sale, operation or closing of a business.


Tom Lash

`We learned that on last Saturday night, a colored man named Tom Lash was murdered in Kernersville.` (reprint of Charlotte Observer article.) p.3.

Notices not included in the other notice catagories.
