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Marriage, Death & Other Notices: Early Mecklenburg County, NC Newspaper Abstracts

C. Petty

From Singleton, CA: Letter to certify that all arrived safely on the land selected by C.C. Petty for a Colored colony in California. 160 acres of fine timber and agricultural land. We recommend to you the Sunset Route by way of New Orleans.We the Colonial Committee wish to inscribe the names of former residents: J.C. Palmer - Wilson,NC F.M. Newton - Tarboro,NC Rev. A. Blow - Greenville,NC Henry Boger - Concord,NC Jacob Dry - Concord,NC Henry Jones - Charlotte R.M. Booker - Charlottep.3

Notices not included in the other notice catagories.


John Pharr

Estate rental offered by administrator Laird Harris, as well as sale or rental of slaves

May include the sale of land, goods or slaves owned by the deceased, notice to heirs, or notice to creditors.

Probate and estate

Samuel Pharr

Sale of personal property and 15-16 slaves by D. R. Dunlap

May include the sale of land, goods or slaves owned by the deceased, notice to heirs, or notice to creditors.

Probate and estate

John Phifer

Note by the adj`t for Col. Coleman for 1st Regiment of Volunteers of NC to parade at Cochran`s Old Muster Ground (situated in Mecklenburg south of Capt. Orr`s 1 1/2 miles). A regimental court marshall will also be held.

Troops are ordered to assemble, armed and equiped, for practice.


Marshal Polk

Sale of slaves at the residence of Susan Smartt. See 12-28-1831 for sale of slaves.

May include the sale of land, goods or slaves owned by the deceased, notice to heirs, or notice to creditors.

Probate and estate

John Hall

Notice to rifle volunteers to parade in Charlotte in summer uniform on April 28th.

Troops are ordered to assemble, armed and equiped, for practice.


S. Hamilton

p.4`Rev. S.W. Hamilton of Davidson,NC, returned from Coal Creek, Tenn., March 24th, where he had been to the funeral of his mother.`

Notices not included in the other notice catagories.



`Mother of Mrs. R.R. Morris died in Nova Scotia.(died at the age of 80)`, p.4.

Notices not included in the other notice catagories.


Isaac Harris

Sale of personal property and slaves

May include the sale of land, goods or slaves owned by the deceased, notice to heirs, or notice to creditors.

Probate and estate

John Hart

Petition for sale of land in Court of Equity vs J. Hart and Ann Wilson

Sale or rental of land

Real Estate