Marriage: Mr. M. A. Polk and Miss Mary L. Baker
Location: n.p.
Married by Rev. F.J. Murdock.
Family Information: Mr. Henry W. Baker
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 9/14/1879
Marriage: Lieutenant George Pond and Miss L. Brahnson
Location: Salem, Forsyth County,NC
Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 10/16/1876
Marriage: Mr. W. A. Pool and Miss Mary Asbury
Location: Kidsville, Lincoln County,NC
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 12/14/1894
Marriage: Mr. W. A. Pope and Miss A. C. Baucom
Location: Mecklenburg County,N.C.
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 2/28/1896
Marriage: Mr. Wesley Pope and Miss Laura Beard
Location: Newton, Catawba County,N.C.
Wesley Pope listed as being `of the Western N.C. Railroad.`
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 9/12/1881
Marriage: Mr. J. L Porter and Miss M. E. Elliott
Location: Sharon Township, Mecklenburg County, NC
Married by Rev. J.R. White.
Family Information: Mr. T. B. Elliott
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 1/31/1879
Marriage: Mr. J. L. Porter and Miss T. B. Elliott
Marriage performed by Rev. J.R. White
Source: Source Not Cited - 1/21/1879
Marriage: Mr. W. A. Porter and Miss Sarah Hall
Location: Beaufort,NC
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 9/13/1875
Marriage: Mr. W. G. Posten and Miss S. F. Hamrick
Location: Shelby,Cleveland County,NC
Source: Charlotte Democrat - 2/2/1894
Marriage: Esquire William S. Prather and M. J. Kirkpatrick
Location: Unknown - Add to this story below.
Source: North Carolina Whig - 1/19/1858