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Marriage, Death & Other Notices: Early Mecklenburg County, NC Newspaper Abstracts

Noyes, Jr., S. F., Mr. and McLure, E. C. Miss

Marriage: Mr. S. F., Noyes, Jr. and Miss E. C. McLure

Location: Yorkville, York County,SC

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Source Not Cited - 1/2/1870

Date of Event:

O'Brien, W. W. Mr. and Hall, Gertrude Miss

Marriage: Mr. W. W. O'Brien and Miss Gertrude Hall

Location: Reidsville,NC

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 2/23/1894

Date of Event:

Oates, Henry Mr. and Purseley, Mattie Miss

Marriage: Mr. Henry Oates and Miss Mattie Purseley

Location: (near) Henry's Knob, NC

Marriage at residence of Mrs. R.J. Lessley.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Source Not Cited - 7/25/1884

Date of Event:

Oates, J. Rush Mr. and Blanton, Dora Miss

Marriage: Mr. J. Rush Oates and Miss Dora Blanton

Location: Shelby, Cleveland County,N.C.

Family Information: Mr. Burwell Blanton

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 2/4/1886

Date of Event:

Oates, John F. Mr. and Hardin, Jessie L. Miss

Marriage: Mr. John F. Oates and Miss Jessie L. Hardin

Location: Chester County,SC

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 10/14/1881

Date of Event:

Oates, Munro Mr. and Anthony, R. I. Miss

Marriage: Mr. Munro Oates and Miss R. I. Anthony

Location: Kings Mountain, CLeveland County,NC

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 12/12/1879

Date of Event:

Ogburn, C. W. Mr. and Barringer, Ella Miss

Marriage: Mr. C. W. Ogburn and Miss Ella Barringer

Location: Greensboro,Guilford County,N.C.

Married at the residence of Rev. N.H.D. Wilson.

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 10/18/1878

Date of Event:

Oldham, Edward A. Mr. and Andrews, Naggue G, Miss

Marriage: Mr. Edward A. Oldham and Miss Naggue G, Andrews

Location: Norfolk, ,Virginia

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 5/12/1884

Date of Event:

Oliver, P. Reverend and Anderson, Louise J. Miss

Marriage: Reverend P. Oliver and Miss Louise J. Anderson

Location: Bethania, Forsythe County,NC

Family Information: Unknown - Add to this story below.

Source: Charlotte Democrat - 2/16/1877

Date of Event:

Orr, Jefferson Dr. and Alexander, Sophia

Marriage: Dr. Jefferson Orr and Sophia Alexander

Location: Mecklenburg, NC

Family Information: Joab Alexander

Source: Miners and Farmers Journal - 7/4/1831

Date of Event: