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Secret Societies

Sketches of Charlotte
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This information was first published in 1888


THE list of secret societies is well represented in Charlotte.

Phalanx Lodge No. 31, A. F. & A. M., meets every second and fourth Monday in the month. The officers are:    Francis H. Glover, W. M.; J. S. Boyne, S. W.; Conrad F. Lipscomb, J. W.; William F. Griffith, treasurer; William M. Crowell, secretary.

Excelsior Lodge, No. 261, A. F. & A M., meets on the first and third Tuesday evenings at Masonic Temple. The officers are: Chas. W. Alexander, W. M.; J. H. Van Ness, S. W.; J. H. Thore, J. W.; Chas. W. Bradshaw, secretary.

Charlotte Chapter R. A. M., No. 39, meets on the second and fourth Friday evenings at Masonic Temple. Officers: Chas. W. Alexander, H. P.; Francis H. Glover, K.; John H. McAden, S.; John W. Wadsworth, T.; J. Roessler S.

Charlotte Commandery, No. 2, K. T., meets on the first and third Thursday at Masonic Temple. Officers: A. G. Brenizer, E. C.; Francis H. Glo­ver, G.; George II. King, C. G.; John W. Wadsworth, T.; Charles W. Alexander R.

Knights of Honor, Mecklenburg Lodge, No. 335, meets second and fourth Thursdays. Officers: E. K. P. Osborne, D.; H. Baumgarten, R.; F. R. Durham, F. S.

Knights and Ladies of Honor, meets at the Masonic Temple, Chas. R. Jones, Pro.

Independent Order B' nai B' rith, Charlotte Lodge, No. 280, meets second and fourth Sunday afternoons at Masonic Temple. Officers: D. Goldberg. P.; H. Baumgarten, S. Keshet Shel Barsel

North State Lodge, No. 194, meets second and fourth Sundays at Masonic Temple, H. Baum­garten, P. Hebrew Benevolent Association, meets first Sundays Officers: H. Baumgarten, P.; D. Goldberg, S. This association has charge of the Jewish Cemetery.

Order of Railway Conductors, No. 221, meets at Masonic Temple, first and third Sundays. Wm. Clarkson, C. C.

Independent Order Odd Fellows, Mecklenburg Declaration Lodge, No. 9, meets every Tuesday night. Officers: J. A. Bixby, N.G.; A. J. Hunneycutt, V. G.; H. D. Duckworth, R. S.; W. B. Overby, B. S.; W. M. Crowell, treasurer.

There is a flourishing lodge of the Royal Arcanum, and several minor organizations in the city.


Sketches of Charlottethe Queen City of the Old North State, and of Mecklenburg, the Banner County. Charlotte, NC: Charlotte Chamber of Commerce, 1888.