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Veteran Records

Bain Leonhardt

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He went overseas on 12/9/1944. In The Charlotte Observer dated 2/11/1945, he was missing in action in Luxembourg. He was killed in the battle for Overzerf, Germany. A memorial service was held on June 24 at Cherryvilles St. Johns Lutheran Church. His memorial marker is in Luxembourg.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: CO 6-17-45

Fred Lowrance

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Killed in action; when last seen he was wounded but was firing upon the advancing enemy. Buried in the US Military Cemetery in New Georgia. Memorial marker at Ft. McKinley, Manila, PI.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: Davidson College Bulletin

James McCain

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Went into Normandy with the invasion forces. Killed in action in Germany. Memorial services pending.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: The Charlotte News 10-31-1944

Charles Lesesne

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Killed over Luneburg, Germany on his 22nd mission. A member of the Royal Canadian Air Force. Buried in a military cemetery at Bergedorf, Germany, grave 511 Plot 38.

Age at Death: 34

Image Source: The Charlotte Observer 4-3-1945

Edward Lukens

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Wounded in action in March 1942 while aboard the USS San Francisco and died on the USS Solace, a hospital ship, eight months later.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

Paul McCain, Jr.

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Plane was hit by flak as it dropped its bomb load over Humieres, France. While heading back to England, the plane caught fire over the Dover Strait. The crew bailed out, but only 4 members were found. His promotion to 1st Lt. came thru 2 days after his death. Monument at Ardennes, France.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: Davidson College Bulletin

Artie Lewis

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Died non-battle.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

Julian Lummus, Jr.

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Killed in action in the south Pacific.

Age at Death: 22

Image Source: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

John McCall, Jr.

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Killed in action in France. Memorial marker in Normandy, France.

Age at Death: 21

Image Source: Charlotte News 5-3-45, Our Patriots of America WWII

Rumsey Pete Lewis

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Killed in an accident at Camp Mackall, NC.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library