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Veteran Records

Gilbert Clark

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Memorial marker in Ardennes, France.

Age at Death: 27

Image Source: The Charlotte News 1-29-1946

Peter Brown

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Flight from Clark Field to Okinawa was missing.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: Newsprint unknown 9-27-1945

James Byars

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Lost in the North Sea on a training flight from England to Wales. The plane took off in heavy overcast and failed to join others during flight. Memorial marker in Cambridge, England.

Age at Death: 21

Image Source: The Charlotte News 11-6-1945

William Carter, III

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Killed when the B-24 bomber he co-piloted crashed in the mountains of Nevada. Funeral services held in Mt. Airy on Sept. 26th, with interment at Oakdale Cemetery.

ge at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: Davidson College Bulletin

Thomas Clark

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He died of wounds that he received in action in the Pacific.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: The Charlotte Observer 12-5-1944

Walter Brown

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Killed in France.

Age at Death: 23

Image Source: The Charlotte Observer 8-31-1944

Wade Bynum

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Killed in action according to the WWII Honor List for Mecklenburg County, NC.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

William Cashion

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He was died as a POW on December 23, eith executed or while trying to escape. Memorial marker in the Netherlands.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: Davidson College annual

William Brown

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Killed in action near Arno River, Italy. Memorial service at 7th Street Presbyterian Church on Feb 11, 1945. Burial in Arlington National Cemetery.

Age at Death: 21

Image Source: Newsprint unknown 2-2-1945

James Byrd

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Went to France with the invasion forces and was killed at Carentan.

Age at Death: 30

Image Source: The Charlotte Observer 10-5-1944