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Gold Star Veterans

Lester Foster

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Died non-battle.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

Hugh Garrison

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He was killed in the Civil Air Patrol plane in which he was riding crashed at Camp Wolters. The pilot of the plane was also killed. A memorial service was held at his home on 6-14-1943. His burial was at Flint Hill Baptist Church.

Age at Death: 27

Image Source: Family photo

Maurice Green

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He was killed in action.

Age at Death: 22

Image Source: Charlotte Observer 7-30-44

Roy Fowler

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Memorial services held at Grace Church in Union County on July 29, 1945. Died of wounds received in the Battle of Okinawa and is buried on Okinawa.

Age at Death: 24

Image Source: Charlotte News 7-19-45

Richard "Dick" Garrison

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Killed in a plane crash in southern Romania while returning from his 26th combat mission. Memorial service Jul 20, 1944 at Steele Creek Presbyterian Church.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: Family photo

Charles Greene

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He served under General MacArthur in Australia and New Guinea before being sent to the Philippines. He died on 5-31-1945 from wounds received in action on May 27th on Mindanao Island in the Philippines.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: The Charlotte Observer 7-10-1945

Lawrence Buddy Fox

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Pilot of a missing cargo plane that was carrying supplies in the China- India area. Memorial marker at Ft. McKinley, Manila, PI.

Age at Death: 20

Image Source: 1941 CHS Yearbook

Leith Garrou

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Died July 30th after a brief illness. Funeral services held at Waldensian Presbyterian Church in Valdese on August 1.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: Davidson College Bulletin

George Greenlee

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He died between October 16-31, 1942, according to a column published in the newspaper on 11-13-1942.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

William Fraley, Jr.

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Killed in a plane crash near Waco, TX. After ordering the student pilot to bail out of an out-of-control plane, he was attempting to regain control of it when it crashed.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: Davidson College Bulletin