Announces that she is now at Mr. Long`s in Charlotte and continues to repair bonnets.
Includes the opening, sale, operation or closing of a business.
Announces that she is now at Mr. Long`s in Charlotte and continues to repair bonnets.
Includes the opening, sale, operation or closing of a business.
Lost on the road between the Sardis meeting house and Charlotte, a red plaid coat. Information to Jas. Hayes near Sardis or myself near Walkersville P.O. Mecklenburg Co.
May include sale of personal goods, or notice of lost or stolen items.
Personal Property
Sheriff notes that a negro man named Charles has been committed to the jail. He is 20-25 years, yellow complected and rather ragged, says he belongs to Philip Clarke of Winnsborough, Fairfield, SC.
Notice of the sale of slaves or of runaway slaves. Check estate sales first, as this is where most slave sales are listed.
Sheriff reports the jailing of a black man. Committed on the 23rd of Sept, David is 5`6`, yellow complected, and says he belongs to Barnet Castle, living about 10 miles from Chester Courthouse, SC. He owned is requested to prove property, pay charges and take him away or he will be dealt with as the law allows.
Notice of the sale of slaves or of runaway slaves. Check estate sales first, as this is where most slave sales are listed.
Notice to heirs
May include the sale of land, goods or slaves owned by the deceased, notice to heirs, or notice to creditors.
Probate and estate
To be sold at Capt. Sam`l Cox`s store, 200 acres lying on Steel Creek, adjoining the land of James Greer, Wm. Neely`s heirs, Wm. Barnett, deceased. Esq. Alexander Grier lives near the premises and will show it.
Sale or rental of land
Real Estate
College Hill Church- meetig on resolution concerning the dead of the church:Joseph CollinsBetsy NoblesAnnie Havella
Notices not included in the other notice catagories.
Jno Hoskins, guardian of his minor heirs, is offering rental of their slaves. Farmers would do well at attend as there is an objection for the negroes to work either in the gold mines or brickyards.See also 10-20-1832, for rental of slaves in 1833.
May include the sale of land, goods or slaves owned by the deceased, notice to heirs, or notice to creditors.
Probate and estate
Opened clock and watch making business in Charlotte, one door south of Dr. Caldwell`s.
Includes the opening, sale, operation or closing of a business.
Announces permanent settlement in Charlotte and practicing of Law.
Includes the opening, sale, operation or closing of a business.