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Veteran Records

William Cooper

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: His name appeared on the Mecklenburgs Honored Dead roster that appeared in the local newspaper. His name did not appear on the Honor List for Mecklenburg Co., North Carolina, from the War Dept. published in June, 1946.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

Nathaniel Crockett

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Died non-battle.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

James Davis

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Died as a result of wounds received in action on Guam.

Age at Death: 23

Image Source: Photo in J.W. Davis file

Howard Copeland

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He was first reported missing on 2-6-1945. He was later declared dead on a date unknown in the American area.

Age at Death: 25

Image Source: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

Ira Crow

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Died non-battle.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

Perry Davis

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Missing in action over Germany. He served as a turret gunner on a B-17

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

Willie Corley

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He died in action.

Age at Death: Unavailable

Image Source: Charlotte Mecklenburg Library

Grover Crowell

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Gravely wounded by mortar fire on Feb 19 on Mt. Suribachi, Iwo Jima. Died a week later aboard a hospital ship. Burial in the 5th Marine Division Cemetery at the foot of Mt. Suribachi. Memorial service at Indian Trail Methodist Church in May, 1948. Newprint says internment at Sharon Memorial Park.

Age at Death: 21

Image Source: Charlotte News 4-7-45

Charles Davis, Jr.

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: Had put in over 100 hours of combat flying in a heavy bomber when his plane was reported missing over Burma.

Age at Death: 22

Image Source: The Charlotte Observer 11-21-1943

James Clemons

Death Details/Burial/Memorial Services: He was killed in action in the Battle of Tarawa. Memorial marker at Punchbowl National Memorial Cemetery in Honolulu, HI.

Age at Death: 21

Image Source: The Charlotte Observer 3-19-1944